Hello hello!
My name is Cycle and and I am an Irish Red Setter.
I came to Noah's Ark 8 years ago in the big shift from Singapore to Pekan Nanas. I have a sister and her name is Carriage.
Word has it that a wealthy man paid a deposit for us to be imported from Australia. However, he was too busy to take care of us and left us at the pet shop to be rehomed.
Both of us were puppies then and were kept in the pet shop where we had many other puppy friends to play with. Eventually, our puppy friends went to their new owners one by one and we were left behind. Soon, we outgrew our cages.
The Pet shop owner was unable to rehome us into a landed property. Finally, he contacted Noah's Ark where Uncle Raymund agreed to take us in and gave us the free rein to run around the property.
As the former owner was spotted driving a Mercedes Benz, we were hence named Cycle & Carriage.
I am a boy and the bigger one. I like to play rough and tumble with the other boys and dive into the lily pond to chase each other.
Carriage, who look exactly the same is a sweet and demure gal who enjoys hanging outside the clinic, waiting for pat from anyone who passes by.
Once, she was given a whole chicken liver treat which she refused to eat. The volunteer who fed her has to break the treat into smaller pieces for her to relish.
Well, she's a prissy missy mah, gotta maintain an image right?? :D
Paws and Licks,
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