We would like to highlight an event that Noahs Ark has been invited to participate in. Pets Station has arranged for us to be part of their Atrium Sales at Causeway Point Shopping Centre from 17 to 23 May 2010. Details as follows:

This roadshow will be on for 7 days. However, from 17-21 May (Monday to Friday), only the Food Donation Drive will be conducted. This is an added bonus from the food donation drive we had previously in the months of March and April. Please enquire with the Pets Station personnel on hand.
More details can be found on a previous post: http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2010/03/food-donation-drive-march-2010-only.html. With each bag of food purchased from the Drive to be donated to Noah's Ark, Pets' Station will contribute the SAME item. This will end on the 23rd of May, so please help feed our 1000 mouths in our sanctuary by donating as much as you can!
Next, on the 22nd & 23rd of May (Saturday and Sunday), volunteers will be present to sell Noah's Ark merchandise aside from promoting the food donation drive.
Time: 10am to 10pm daily
Location: Level 1, Area B2+B3 (17m x 5m)

Don't forget to make a trip down if you are available. You can help Noah's Ark by picking up a folder to store your items, some post-its or a notepad or two. Every little bit counts. Regardless you can always drop by to say hi! Thank you for reading this and have a great week ahead!
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