Words and pictures of the blog posts prompted me to do something in aid of this project. Project Industrial Dogs, mostly supported by public donations, is in constant need of funds to sterilize the dogs. Noah’s Ark believes that it is a more humane method to sterilize these dogs, so as to curb their population and eventually their suffering, compared to culling them. I was actually nearing the end of my school term and many doubts came to my mind such as not having enough time to raise a significant amount. However, I guess being in the know of this issue really affected me, and on the next day of school, I went around talking to my friends about the plight of these dogs and asked them for donations. I was really touched and honestly, slightly surprised when my friends were genuinely interested to donate. Some of them listened in out of curiosity at first, and then made their donations. A few of them even asked if Noah’s Ark is in need of any help for this project. Though as students allowance is always a little tight, many of them made small donations in aid of this project. It was great to see that so many of them have a heart to help these stray dogs. At the end of two days, I managed to raise a total of $200 in aid of this project. Though it is not a large amount, I hope that every little bit helps. It has also shown me that as long as there is someone with a desire to help, there is still much hope for these dogs in need.

Volunteering with Noah’s Ark has helped me to develop a more mature perspective of the place we live in. As a teenager, my life used to be all about games, schoolwork and having fun. Yet, after fundraising for PID and helping out at a few events, I have realised that what I want to do is to help these animals live better and happier lives. In turn, I am grateful that I have received another sense of purpose in life. Now, I believe that, regardless of age, it is possible for anyone to help in their own significant way, because these animals are always in need of more people who care to help them selflessly to find a new lease of life.
Compared to many other volunteers at Noah’s Ark, what I have done is a really small portion of all their time and money. Besides from Project Industrial Dogs, Noah’s Ark is frequently organising events to raise funds for their projects as well as the upkeep of their shelter in Johor. I would like to take this chance to urge everyone to show their kindness towards these animals by giving them our love, in one way or another, and receive the sense of fulfilment in return.

You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. – Winston Churchill
I think what you did is great!! You gave your all and that's more important then giving what you already had.
It's giving what you do not have n not what u already have that makes it great! I think u are great!!
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