Wednesday, December 24, 2008

President's Message for 2008

Dear Friends and Supporters of Noah’s Ark,

2008 is drawing to a rapid close and yet there is still much work to be completed. We at Noah’s Ark CARES are still aware that our sterilization programme for the street animals in Singapore is far from complete. Nevertheless, heartened by the support the National Dog Walk in August 2008 we received both from the general public and our faithful and loyal supporters. We believe that without active sterilization of both the stray population in Singapore as well as our own companion animals – the number of animals that suffer an inhumane death would be even larger than what it is at the moment.

Your support has made the difference. So please help us stop this senseless killing by helping us eradicate the root of the problem. Perhaps this is a somber message but it is something that we would like everyone to mull over as they enjoy the festivities of the season. Likewise, please don’t forget the less unfortunate animals that eke out an existence on our streets — even as we count our own blessings.

We too, at Noah’s Ark have been doubly blessed by the continued support of many who help us feed our animals at the sanctuary and believe in our education programmes. Without all your continued support – we would not be able to exist. So, from all of us at Noah's Ark CARES, thank you once again for making 2008 a very good year!

With many doggy licks and high paws – we wish each and everyone of you a Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year!

Warm regards,

Ms Chew Gek Hiang
Noah's Ark CARES

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't send cash to Noah's Ark, is there anything I can do physically rather than just morally?

Beneficiary of Animal Merchandise :)

Noah's Ark CARES Supporters