Dear All,
It is that time of the year again, the AVA annual Road Show. This year, it has been named Responsible Pet Ownership Road Show 2008. It will be held:
Date: Friday, 7 Nov to Sunday, 9 Nov 08
Venue: Singapore Expo, Hall 6B
Time: General public -11am-9pm

Thank you to all the volunteers who have risen to the occasion and offered to help us over the weekend. Currently, most of the slots have been filled up except for Sunday’s Shift 2, 3.30 pm to 9pm – where we still need 3 more volunteers! Please email us at if you are able to volunteer your services.
*To all confirmed volunteers, please come in your Noah’s Ark shirt (if you have one, or you can always purchase one on the spot) :P Volunteer timing: Shift 1 10am-3.30pm or Shift 2 3.30pm-9pm. See you there!
Noah's Ark volunteers will be hard at work, manning our booth and doing their part to raise funds for the animals. Come lend your support by visiting our booth and purchasing our merchandise. We have newly designed t-shirts, polo shirts, luggage tags, memo pads and post-it notes for sale.
Moreover, our 2009 calendars will be on sale too! If you have already bought one for yourself, please do not hesitate to buy some for your friends and family too! Everyone needs a calendar especially with 2009 just around the corner and would make great Christmas presents don’t you think? Alternatively, you can visit and purchase through an online order form. Stocks are running low, so get yours today!
Next, author of "The Cat That Lived Forever", Ms Rita Tan, has generously donated another 25 books with 100% of the sales proceeds going to Noah's Ark. So come on down and grab a book if you haven't already.
A hot favourite at all our events would be our Pet Photography! Have a picture of your dog taken for just $10 and have the photo in your hands almost instantly. Our lovely Christmas backdrop would make your dog's photograph an excellent Christmas card to send to your friends and family. Please note that Pet Photography will only be on Sat and Sun from 2pm to 7pm. Do not miss it!
And last but not least - remember our demure Lady whom we rescued?

Look how gorgeous she is now! Such a far cry from her stray days. You will have a chance to meet her as Lady will be making her guest appearance on Saturday between 3pm to 6pm. For those who missed seeing her at the NDW 2008, this is your opportunity to say Hi to her.
Doesn’t it all sound exciting? With all these happening, you definitely wont want to miss such an event. Do not forget to bring your dogs along too for a day of fun, games and socializing. That’s it then, we hope to see you this weekend! :D