Rescued on 18 July 2003
Passed away peacefully on 13 May 2008
Estimated age 12 yrs old
Dolly was the first spokesdog for Noah's Ark in 2003, helping to raise funds for her fur friends.
May she rest in peace.
Tribute to Dolly - 1st Spokesdog of Noah's Ark (R.I.P.)Dolly came to Noah's Ark via a vet. She had been abandoned in a house after her expat owners moved out of the country; leaving her and a cat behind in an empty house, like used furniture.
Like Dolly who found a new home, the cat was rehomed too.
A neighbour's maid fed Dolly through the gate everyday. By the time she was rescued, we discovered that her ears was filled with maggots and the vet had to clean and remove the maggots from her ear.
Details on exactly how was she rescued were lost in history. Noah's Ark was alerted by a vet, who was informed of her predicament after the rescue. We assumed the rescuer had scaled the gates to reach Dolly and passed her over the gate to some one else on the other side.
This act was been done at the risk of trespassing but bless the souls who did it, for it's a life that they have saved.
Fortunately, Dolly was rehomed to a good family where she recovered and became the very 1st spokesdog of Noah's Ark.
She attended all the fund raising events and functions to raise awareness on animal cruelty and abandonment. With her friendly disposition and good looks, Dolly was a natural and she enjoyed her new found fame and all the attention showered.
When Dolly grew older, she took a back seat and allowed the younger rehomed dogs to take over where she had left off.
In the past year, Dolly developed thyroid, incontinence, lost her sight and her hearing.
Despite all this, Dolly was still a relatively happy girl, and she did manage to enjoy a good quality of life for her remaining years, going on outings with her other doggie companions and had an owner who loved her greatly.
In May, Dolly's condition took a rapid turn for the worst. Age had caught up and she spent much of the day (and night) sleeping. Nothing could wake her up.
In her waking hours however, she would demand her mommy be around constantly by her side even when mommy was just in the next room.
E.g.; Mommy had to carry her when she goes to the loo, mommy has to carry her to the kitchen while she cooks and mommy had to carry her even when she answers the phone in the sitting room.
Eventually, she slipped into unconsciousness and we knew that it was time for her to heed the calling from another sanctuary above.
Dolly is estimated to be about 12 years old at the time of her passing; 5 to 6 years of which were spent with the expat family who abandoned her.
Dolly passed away peacefully on 13th May 2008 and left a huge void in the hearts of those who know her.
Her furry companions missed her and have been sad for a while. What comforts us is that Dolly passed away peacefully and looked serene when she left us.
We know that we have given her the best we could possibly have and she will always have a special place in our hearts and in the hearts of her doggy companions.
Dearest Dolly,
If you can hear us, thank you for being our Fur Friend and for helping us at Noah's Ark - we will miss you.
May you rest in peace.
With Love From all the Dogs at Noah's Ark
Eulogy by Mommy LyndaDolly was one dog that never gave us any problems. She was appreciative and well behaved till her last days.
I still do not understand why her family left her behind. Was the freight charges too expensive to bring her along?
When i adopted her, i knew that she was not young - i estimated that she would be about 5 or 6 years old. Dolly was a joy to have and she was easy to train. She had a good and pleasant temparament and was always willing to please her family members.
Dolly was Noah's Ark first spokesdog in 2003 when we participated at road shows. Dolly helped her fur friends to raise funds and to socialise with visitors. We wanted to prove to owners that YOU CAN TEACH OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS.
By adopting an older dog - what you see is what you get and it's easier to train an older dog. However, adopters tend to want younger dogs and mid-age is usually considered too OLD for them.
Having a middle aged dog is a joy to have because you give them that second chance to be loved and they are forever grateful to you for giving them that 2nd or 3rd or 4th or even the 5th chance in life.
When Dolly retired from her duties as Noah's Ark spokesdog - she did fostering. She taught her fur friends basic house training. For example; peeing on the newspaper, basic commands like sit and shake paws.
She was like a mummy dog to the younger dogs whom we were training to be rehomed. Its a amazing how the young dogs learned quickly from her.
On Tuesday, 13 May morning - Dolly left us.
Her fur friends were around her when she passed away. We know that her best friend Nikki, a 14yr old Jack Russell Terrier will miss her dearly.
Nikki is still trying to cope with the lost of her friend - she has been disoriented and feeling lonely.
We hope that Nikki will overcome Dolly's passing on soon. And we know that it has not been easy for Nikki - because she is not young any more too.
Rest in peace my baby, you will be sorely missed.
Endless love,
Eulogy by Nikki (JRT)My Dear Dolly,
I want you to know that i am so lost without you. Every night, i used to sleep by your side and everyday we used to keep each other company.
I miss you dearly and i am trying to cope being without you.
With lots of Love,